
Friday, March 27, 2020

Ten Things of Thankful: Week 13 of 2020

Photo: A red heart hangs from a wire. "Ten Things of Thankful" is written to the left of the heart
Last week, as some of you might have seen, before I had time to delete the comments and change the settings, a troll discovered this blog and left some ugly, profane comments. I'm sorry if you read them. I appreciate those of you who link up posts, leave kind comments, and keep this a positive community. Fear and anger are oppressive and loud, but peace and love are supportive and quiet. By joining the Ten Things of Thankful, you can help spread a strong, joyful sense of calm in this worried world. So I ask you, What are you thankful for today? 

Joining the blog hop this week:
Thankful Me
The Prolific Pulse
MessyMimi's Meanderings
A Season and a Time
the Wakefield Doctrine
Carin's Gratitude
Recording Life Under the Radar
Backsies Is What There Is Not

Friday, March 20, 2020

Ten Things of Thankful: Week 12 of 2020

Photo: A red heart hangs from a wire. "Ten Things of Thankful" is written to the left of the heart
How are you holding up? COVID-19 might be causing disruptions around the world, but even in the midst of turmoil, we can take a moment to breathe and consider those things that we are thankful for. I know I always feel better after I pause and think about what is good. Won't you join the Ten Things of Thankful community? Link up your own post, or feel free to tell us in the comments what you are thankful for this week!

Joining in this week:
The Prolific Pulse
A Multitude of Musings
Thankful Me
MessyMimi's Meanderings
A season and a time
Carin's Gratitude
the Wakefield Doctrine
The Meaning of Me
Her Headache

(FYI, I reserve the right to remove comments which are not in keeping with the purpose of this blog hop, which is expressing gratitude. "If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all." The TToT community is made up of people with differing political, religious, social, etc. views, but we come together to express gratitude. If comments are not civil, they will be removed.)

Friday, March 13, 2020

Ten Things of Thankful: Week 11 of 2020

Photo: A red heart hangs from a wire. "Ten Things of Thankful" is written to the left of the heart
It's Friday the 13th and the news is filled with the latest COVID-19 updates. Store shelves are emptying at an alarming rate, and even Disneyland has announced closures due to the virus. With all the uncertainty in the world, today is a great day to reflect on the good. What are you thankful for? Please help make this a positive weekend by sharing a Ten Things of Thankful list, reading the lists of others, and leaving comments. Stay healthy, and be thankful! 

Linking up this week:
I Live, I Love, I Craft, I am Me
Thankful Me
The Prolific Pulse
A Season and a Time
MessyMimi's Meanderings
Carin's Gratitude
the Wakefield Doctrine
Backsies Is What There Is Not

Friday, March 6, 2020

Ten Things of Thankful: Week 10 of 2020

Photo: A red heart hangs from a wire. "Ten Things of Thankful" is written to the left of the heart

Hello! Can you believe that spring will officially arrive in just a few weeks? There's something to be thankful for right there! What else are you thankful for this week? Write 'em down and link 'em up!