
Friday, May 31, 2019

Ten Things of Thankful: One Week Until 6 Years!

Ten Things of Thankful
Photo: A sunset with the caption, "Ten Things of Thankful"
The excitement is growing; the 6th anniversary celebration of the Ten Things of Thankful begins in just one week! Actually, it will begin in slightly less than one week. For next week only, the link will open on Thursday night at 8 p.m. Mountain time, the same time that the Finish the Sentence Friday blog hop goes live with their link. Kristi of Finding Ninee contacted me earlier this week to ask if the TToT and FTSF could team up for the anniversary celebration, and of course I was delighted to say yes. Everyone is invited!

Fun fact: in the early days of the TToT, both Kristi and I were co-hosts. Because we had the same name, to keep things straight, I was known as K2. I can't remember who came up with the moniker, but it is indicative of the welcoming nature of the TToT community--a small blogger is made to feel like a mighty mountain of a writer.😊

Be sure to join us next week for the big celebration, and help spread the word! THANK YOU!!!!!

(And in the meantime, tell us what you are thankful for this week.)

This week's participants:

The Prolific Pulse
MessyMimi's Meanderings
The Wakefield Doctrine
Viola's Daily Musings
Backsies is What There is Not

Friday, May 24, 2019

Ten Things of Thankful: 2 Weeks Until 6 Years!

Ten Things of Thankful
Photo: A sunset with the caption, "Ten Things of Thankful"
Are you getting excited? Many of us in the United States have a 3-day weekend starting on Saturday, but that isn't the reason for my question. In only two weeks time, we will be celebrating the 6th anniversary of the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop. It's going to be a great party! Everyone is invited, so let your friends know. Several bloggers who were there in the beginning are hoping to join us on this momentous occasion, so get the cupcakes ready, hang a banner, and get ready for a wonderful, thankful weekend! And what better way to prepare than to write a Ten Things of Thankful post for this week's blog hop! 

Participating in the blog hop this week:
The Prolific Pulse
MessyMimi's Meanderings
A Season and a Time
Lorraine's frilly freudian slip
the Wakefield Doctrine
Backsies is What There is Not
Viola's Daily Musings

Friday, May 17, 2019

Ten Things of Thankful: 3 Weeks Until 6 Years!

Ten Things of Thankful
Photo: A sunset with the caption, "Ten Things of Thankful"
In only 3 weeks time, we will celebrate the 6th anniversary of the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop! Are you planning on joining us then? Do you have any suggestions for the TToT as we start our 7th year? 

Here are the participants this week:
MessyMimi's Meanderings
A Season and a Time
The Prolific Pulse
The Wakefield Doctrine
Viola's Daily Musings

Friday, May 10, 2019

Ten Things of Thankful: 4 Weeks Until 6 Years!

Ten Things of Thankful
Photo: A sunset with the caption, "Ten Things of Thankful"
How is your May going? As you can tell from the title, we're still on the big countdown to the anniversary of the Ten Things of Thankful. I hope you will all help us get the word out so we can start June with a huge dose of gratitude! (Of course, the party happens every weekend, so no need to wait for June!)

Text links to those joining us this week:
The Prolific Pulse
MessyMimi's Meanderings
A Season and a Time
The Wakefield Doctrine

Friday, May 3, 2019

Ten Things of Thankful: 5 Weeks Until 6 Years!

Ten Things of Thankful
Photo: A sunset with the caption, "Ten Things of Thankful"
Once upon a time, June 8, 2013 to be exact, an English blogger with a poetic way with words invited the world to join her in a new blog hop: The Ten Things of Thankful. Lizzi nurtured the young blog, invited others to help her spread the word, and welcomed a motley group of bloggers, thus forming a community around the theme of thankfulness. 

As I read over Lizzi's first Ten Things of Thankful post, I saw that she envisioned the blog hop to be long-lasting. :-) We aren't quite to the 40 year anniversary yet, but in only 5 weeks, we will be at the 6 year anniversary. The Ten Things of Thankful has seen changes over the years. It started as Lizzi's brainchild, started with 8 co-hosts, then quickly grew to 10. After a few years, Lizzi handed the reins over to Josie Two Shoes. When Josie needed a break, I (Kristi of ThankfulMe) offered to open the blog hop door each week. 
I'm thankful for Lizzi and Josie Two Shoes. Without them, there wouldn't be a TToT. 

As the anniversary of the start of the TToT approaches, I hope that bloggers new and old will consider writing a post for the June 7, 2019 link up. Invite your friends and help spread the word! In the meantime, let us know what you are thankful for this week by linking up below. THANK YOU!!!!

Bloggers linked up this week (updated periodically and listed because Inlinkz is not accessible for those who use accessibility apps. If anyone knows of a link-up service that is accessible, please let me know!):

MessyMimi's Meanderings
The Prolific Pulse
The Wakefield Doctrine
A Season and a Time
Viola's Daily Musings
Backsies is What There is Not