
Saturday, February 8, 2025

(so, what you're saying is I can right-click the cursor down there and we're done?) booyah!

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine's contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.

Never let it be said that we've passed up an opportunity to write, even when the whole rest of the post is a cut 'n paste job.

(waving motion) Hey!! 


1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4the Unicorn Challenge bloghop. 'Fire and Rain' by ceayr

5) the Six Sentence Story bloghop. 'Ah Paris'  by Chris

6) new writers (new to the TToT, not necessarily new to Blogville) hey! Artmater   and  Sognafaret*. (to paraphrase absent friends, New 'oT list writers are the lifeblood of this here bloghop here)

7) Wednesday of this week, remembering to turn off the date/time stamp before driving the 40 minutes home from my property where, rather than weekly inspection photos (needing aforementioned time stamp) I was taking marketing photos. I only took 13 photos when I thought.... "Wait a minute! Is the date/time stamp still on?" (once in my distant past, things in the business were much more active.... and I went through an entire afternoon of inspections (25 houses worth) and got back to the office and, sitting at my desk, a well-deserved rest and... yes ma'am not a single date stamp on the entire 200 photos. ;p to paraphrase Mr. Diddly "You should've seen just what I heard"

8) Non-Winter draws increasingly near. (shh!)

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3


music vids




Saturday, February 1, 2025

Ten Things of Thankful (jeez, gonna pretend to write something original here, or what?) What?

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Well, we guess, 'Mostly copy'

Serially, we do like the increasingly upfront appeal to Readers that they might feel encouraged to take Reading to the next level and try Writing. (So, with a little judicious strike-throughs, allow us to make this appeal.)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine's contribution to everyone's favorite gratitude blog(hop), the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT). New to this blog? Great. Read and enjoy. Or write a list of the first ten people, places or things that come to mind as 'damn! glad that happened!'

Pretty simple, isn't it?

How simple? Well, we (your Narrator and pro temp host) already have a new Grat to add to our own damn list! Can't we get a 'You're Welcome!?   Yes 'sir. That easy. And fun.

ProTip: Writing fiction, a memoir, whatever, is meant for fun and enjoyment. Unless, a'course you're a member of the Real-Writers-Hear-Us-Bore! union. No, this TToT place is: 1/3 the clubhouse you knew about as a kid and sometimes were allowed in and 1/2 the kind of place you would wish for your kids or dogs or any other lifeform that you're gifted by being responsible for and 1/4 ...did we say fun? Yeah, well, as the old saying reminds us, 'Fun is something you allow yourself. No one else can do that for you.'

ed note: hey, you're reading this on blogger 'cause, well, we suspect it's because you got into the blogging thing one a whim, without a lot of direct input from friends already doing it. Back in the Golden Age (2008-2014) of Blogging. And, while a lot of people were all, 'Hey, ya gotta go with WordPress. It's so much more...'

and you're like, 'Nah, I'm good... (photo at top for our Y Chromosomian Readers) 

far be it from us to try to change your mind... for some of us blogging is nothing less than a balancing act like  

On with our List.

1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the above (in the intro) hypothetical Reader. for listening to our wordage

5) the Six Sentence Story bloghop

6) the Unicorn Challenge bloghop

7) relative lack, (more, a deficiency) of snow for the time of year. (If this was Summer, we'd be saying, "Think it might rain some?" (and you might reply) 'oh, Ayuh. Supposin' it might. Been a dry one, though. Driest since aught six.' Holy Shit! Just realized we're in a point in time we can use 'aught' in a designation of a period of time. Don't happen but once a century! Well, 20 years ago at this point. But you get what we mean.

8) our daily trip north to inspect our property (Bonus Grat!! They, (the owners), acknowledged that a zip code district is not the equivalent of a municipality. This they will admit.)

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3





Friday, January 24, 2025

"Where have we heard that before?" (Wait, you know this one).

This is the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.

Since 2001, the leading Gratitude-themed bloghop on and off the world wide web.

The people, places and things that have elicited and otherwise jump-started our internal reference on 'hey, the world doesn't totally suck, there's...'

1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Six Sentence Story bloghop. 'Blend'  Frank Hubney

5) the Unicorn Challenge

6) Kerry stopped by at the FB TToT page this week. She was one of the first participants in the Friday Night Vid Chats that Lizzi and I started, way, way back.  

7) Lisa also dropped by, commentationaly-speaking, always fun to see bloggers who welcomed us to the virtual world, back when things were new, writing was easy and spelling still mattered.  

8) work photo at the top of the post is Norwich CT

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3

music vids



Friday, January 17, 2025

The Day of the Week, the Time of one's Life. It's the TToT (but you probably guessed that)


Question: Are you a New Reader?

(Follow-up Question): Are you enjoying this bloghop?

(Final Question... we promise): If you'd like to participate in this bloghop but are having trouble getting, you know, started? We will front you one totally valid, not-bad-among-the-other-nine Grat for inclusion in your inaugural TToT posting.

No tricks or strings or anything bad(ish). Just typee-type-type, publish and link. 


1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) technology cum work-required photation: the Grat about this photo of an attic in one of my properties? Glad you asked! We did a 'scary' Six this week, hoping to produce the appropriate emotional response, i.e. scary house. It was actually a number of years ago, when I a had a number of old, vacant houses to inspect every week, that the concept of scary old house came up. We are brought up as children to have a respect, if not fear haunted houses. Mostly because, in theory, they might be home to ghosts and/or other inimical beings. So I would have fun (on these inspections with a 'What if there's a spirit or monster in this property?' Alas, the innocence of childhood. The true horror to be encountered in a putative haunted house, for an adult (and, we include ourselfs, for the purpose of the narrative) is far worse than banshees and werewolves, it is so mundane. Approaching the stairs in the photo, hearing a sound and catching our toe on the insulation (white stuff)... that is the scary thing. To lie paralyzed at the bottom of the stairs in a vacant house, real horror.

This is a Grat on this week's list because: a) we enjoyed writing about childhood and 2) We didn't trip on the insulation


5) putative first post by the Doctrine to this here bloghop here. June 7 1913

6) Return of a wandering hostinae, Readers surely took note of Kristi's return at the beginning of the week this week. Welcome Back. (New Readers: she is one of the original Hostinae chosen by Hallowed-be-The-Founderina's-Name...) back in, the records are... imprecise, lets call it 1967 just to err on the side of caution.

7) the Six Sentence Story blohop.

8) the Unicorn Challenge  Picked' 'corn of the week:

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3



Music vids 



Saturday, January 11, 2025

On this, the 8th Friday of the first month of the New(ish) Year! The TToT!

 So, lets get right down to...(damn! gots my first music vid)

1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine Long grat this week (see Grat #8)

4) gainful(ish) employment... well, technically, self-employment, i.e. real estate sales and marketing. It permits (and, kinda requires) certain activity ever week. Past lists have featured photos of the properties currently in inventory. This week will be no exception.

5) a lack of snow (no hubris in that statement... simple gratitude for weather conditions), that said, while seasonable cold, the ground is frozen, but visible. grat!

6) the Unicorn Challenge bloghop

7) the Six Sentence Story bloghop. Feature:  'La Machine'. by Violet Lentz

8) ok Reader Advisory: the fact that you don't have to be a clark to read, enjoy and otherwise participate Doctrine posts notwithstanding, here's a quick little Grat that is right on the edge of acceptable coherency in writing, you know what we mean, esai?* In any event, the Wakefield Doctrine is a tool for self-improving oneself. Especially, if not 'only', for clarks. The reason is, it appears that a necessary precursor to growing and development involves the emotional aspect (of being a person). In clarks, there is a relatively high level of 'hands off that shit', at least when it comes to us dealing with...well, ourselves. Short story extended: had an encounter this weekend with an online friend that resulted in a better sense not only of ourselfs, but our capacity to interact with the world around us (and the people who makes it up). All due to time spent with this here personality theory here. For the non-predominant clarklike Readers: a reaction to something that in pre-Doctrine days could have been negative, became a positive(ish) lol process. Nothing remarkable, nothing that 'real' people don't encounter and develop in... like childhood days. But, speaking only for ourselves, clark here. lol Thanks! unidentified person in non-comprehensible interaction!

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3  (A clarklike twist to a very rogerian view of clubs, groups, gatherings and common effort, aka 'the Herd'. Unfortunately, the innate (and near-uncontrollable drive to subversion in clarks pretty much negates any of the natural attractiveness that our Herd Member (rogerian) brethren have in copious amount. oh well.)

* ha ha a little rhetoric joke

 music vids




Saturday, January 4, 2025

oh yeah, a title! (but we did remember the link-thing!)

 1) thanks to Mimi for the remindering of putting the linkz at the bottom

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine's weekly contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.

Hey! Here's a thought... are you typing from a location other than Oceania (North America(ish)... that is)? Welll, have we an offer for you! Link your post.  (n.b. well, given this is the Wakefield Doctrine, if you're not sure how to, then just ask in a comment). If you do, we promise to share one of the few jokes that everyone says should not be considered nearly as hilarious as we do... (too much build-up? ....yeah. not a joke so much, more a bon mot you know, 13-year-old clever,)1

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Six Sentence Story bloghop. 'Six clumsy sentences...'  by Keith

5) the Unicorn Challenge bloghop

6) The current lack of snow. While winter cold, the starchy-white soiled sheet of January snow that makes winters so inherently inimical, the brown of frozen dirt is, some how, less bully-ing.

7)  work (and documentary photo) check back later, aiigght?

8) Everyday oddities of the 'real' world. (weird? ok, daylight how about uncanny yeah lets go with that)  Here we have a photo of a church in rural Rhode Island. Though on the small side, look at the photo and chase down the small, wth? nibbling at your sense of normal, natural world of churches:

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3


  1. current hostinae ( Mimi, Dyanne, Kristi, Lisa, Denise, Misky not eligible to participate. As they would likely suffer a conflict of interest. ("He said what?!?! And represented it as humor?!?!! After the talk we had when he accepted the role of ... we should have know!")
  2. lol

music vids



Saturday, December 28, 2024

Saturday Morning Post -Ten Things of Thankful bloghop


Being a 'list' format for a gratitude themed bloghop, allow us to cut 'n paste some content from our parallel post published in WP.

We will add/delete items as the mood moves us and, perhaps, wax philosophical on the nature and benefits of 'tude.

Here's a Grat for 1 & 2 (related to Grat #5)

our stationary Stairmasterr

Who says you have to pay a gym membership fee? 

Hey! Lets start with the persistent Grat #10 i.e. Secret Rule 1.3

What the hell. What's the deal. Why should a New Reader (and/or New Participant) care? Well, there are rules and standards in every social interaction involving more than one person. And these are usually made apparent to all. And then there are examples (illustrations? manifestations? yeah! that's it) ...wherein a good set of ground rules are expressed in contemporaneous terms... hence SR 1.3 which is an example of the guide to writing (for the TToT) that are contained in the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules).

ask anybody! ;p

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) I like big boats*

5) the work I have chosen. (see #4 above) I have a listing that I must inspect every week. And, on the way there, the highway passes the Port of Providence and there are usually a number of boats and tankers and such to be admired from afar.

6) the Six Sentence Story bloghop.  'Are We Playing?' by Chris

7) the Unicorn Challenge bloghop. 'Honeysuckle and Provolone'  by Nancy

8) something, something

9) the first full week of 'No longer Winter'... it's like, damn! The didn't set until, like sometime towards the evening!

10) Secret Rule 1.3

music (and such)


